Wednesday 28 November 2007

Nova & No Nerves

Well my first solo show for "Body-Piano-Machine" is tomorrow and everything is coming together smoothly. Final rehearsals and soundcheck today. I'm especially excited to be performing with Camille and Maya (Barsony) together! It's gonna be crazy fun, all that energy on one small stage...

I'm not especially nervous, just very excited. Maybe it will hit me tomorrow... or 10 minutes before I go on stage.

I had a really enthusiastic article written about my album by Remy Kolpa Koupol who works at Nova , the most interesting radio station in France.

Check it out (en francais);

Jeudi 29 novembre 2007
Concert - Paris
Majiker (Chansong Organic & Synthetic)

Vous vous rappelez "Le Fil" qui courait sur le disque de Camille (c'était le titre de son album). Le voici, en spaghetti électrique multicolore, sur la pochette du disque imminent de Majiker. Pas par hasard, le Britiche parisien est le clavier et producteur de ladite Camille. Un album délicieusement foutraque, "Body-piano-machine", tout un monde à partir d'un mini-clavier Yamaha, d'un maxi-piano et de voix empilées en équilibre salutairement instable, du mélodique à l'human beat box. Voici un jeune homme qui bouscule le panorama d'une pop routinière, à suivre de très près.

20h (6 €)

Mains d'Œuvres - Saint-Ouen
1 rue Charles Garnier - 93400 Saint-Ouen (M° Garibaldi)
Tél : 01 40 11 25 25

Friday 9 November 2007


Just a quick update, as I've been neglecting my Blog duties somewhat in the midst of a very hectic period.

I am here in Iceland mixing my "top secret project" (otherwise known as the new Camille album). It's all going great - we are working with Valgeir Sigurðsson as the mix engineer, whose album I wrote about in a previous post. It's pretty tranquil here, occasionally rainy, always chilly, but wonderfully exciting to hear the album come together.

And no, sorry to disappoint anyone, but we have not employed the 'Red Army Choir' to provide a polyphony of burps and farts as a rhythmical counterpoint to Camille's songs, but bravo to the inventive soul who concocted that rumour.

If only it were feasible...

By the way, if you are planning on coming to my show at Mains d'Oeuvres on 29th November 2007, please do reserve your tickets by emailing The venue is small and if you don't reserve you will not be guarenteed entry to the show. You have been warned!